Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Quagzor the Man-Beast

An excerpt from the ancient book of Days Gone By:

A time there was when man did walk upon Shodowy Earth, and fear did struck up in them times a day.
That was when the Quagzor came and Quagzor did him in.
But man did fight throughout their night till dawn and dusky day, when Beast Man ate and spate them out in every which’n’way.
That was when the Quagzor came and Quagzor ate him up.
Then wance a man walk by the time and opened up his door, to see the Quagzor standing there and open up and roar.
That was when the Quagzor came and Quagzor did he roar.
So now that man did smote him up and once then smote him down, till Quagzor rent upon the ground and he did see no more.
That was when the Quagzor came and then the Quagzor die.
-Talab Master Scribe-Hand

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