Thursday, October 29, 2009

Quagzor Chapter 3

There was in fact a dead peasant, so his story goes, as I walked forward next to his body and brought him from the gravedigger in this spooky ol’ town o’ Bish Bam Boo. When asked of my trade by the heretofore deceased serf I told him I was just doing a little shopping in a shop which was the whole truth except for that I had severely lied to him and did not speak a word of truth, for it was my cursedness upon myself as the truth I could not say to all but none. In a great and epic conversation destined to go down in the history of the world for its renowned decisiveness and momentous qualities such as a speaker of words to the dead for thusly did he say: 
“And now I forthwithé do Banish ye from hence and hitherto!”
With a Poof! And Splosh! That did end their talk and in my mind his life.

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