Thursday, December 10, 2009

Quagzor Chapter 15

                Forsoothé and so it was that now whence we did travel yonder outward from the great Fairey Forest withé Fairey Queen’s blessings uponx our heads and inside our bosoms then it was there we set forth across the golden plainfields of the Ariendoul. More mostly grassy which was in late fall season now then would be in the harshest of winters yet to come as tolded by mystical fortune tellers in the lowers scandalous corners of the witch-begotten city Farmulnsk.
                Yet this bothered us not so much as the tightness which abided itself in our noses for fret of ill wanted illness had befallen I and Drasdenofagus much to our woeful woe.  But alas this’n’that was none to stop our hardy backs in continuing the magnificent journey of epiq proportions and thusly we tarried naught but speedily swifted ourselves up and away o’er these there grassy plans when for fear of angry Festingurls we had to make a camping on the tarnished groups and bed of the Gallop Stoon Inn, wherewithé inside our eyes could not deceive our minds into tricking them to believe that which we saw for there before us we beheld the most loveliest fair maiden we had yet come across in so many days of hardy travels.

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