Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Hoble-Jobb's Home of the Death

Uno Day Hoble-Jobb took a walk that made him go down to the sparkling gup-puddle. Thar a magickal Fairey tolded him to’er make a Home and give it the name which it most would sound better than anything else. That name is and was and will be forever is Hoble-Jobb’s Home of the Death.

The Second Paragraph
                It was a day after the first day which the Home was first conceived and tha’ day it was many a magickal place with people who swim and many othar people that are all short and all tall and are all magickal. The Magickal Men Mevershmit wanted a home to live in but the constructor man who had a name with no important meaning but that which I will tell you of any way for his name was Nikoli Haveboolean  but that is not important anyway. So by the way Nikoli was killéd by a Moselinch (a magickal gigantic spidré with eight eye sockets and only one eye so they must kill other creatures and take their eyes to fill their empty holes ad once a Moselinch has eight eyes (which none have ever had since the great Age of Legendary Beasties) it will become a Junjabain (which is just a really huage Spider) and if a Junjabain is coming to this world then any bad happenings will begin to happen and wont stop happening) and so Mevershmit had to send for another constructionor man. However, Mevershmit was almost killed and here now follows the account of Clambib the Shmashen.

1 comment:

  1. Ah tis bout tim lad you have provided us with more and much entertainment. I have heard of this villian you speak of I believe he is a legend of the ice and wields a big stick
