OH she had hair of the finest multicolored dreamcoat you ever did seen and eyes like hazelnuts beyond measure and the fiery color of a sunsetting sky speckled with that of peppercorns all hither and thither about. Was not that just so marvelous a sight to mine eyes than any other had come uponx them in a relatively large portion of unreattainable time for it has passed far gone and away now. And as she made her slinkingly swaying way o’er to Drasdenofagus and myself we were both smitten with an unbreakable gaping awe of wonder for her beautified nature.
Before we knew it her name tingled about our ears as a snablewick would flutter its feathers and all for what but to distract us from her most treacherous intentions. For as we had been lost in gazing so thoroughly at her that were we not experts in the craft of catching evildoings that so oft do befall our heads we surely would have been caught and forsaken in her tangled trap forevermore. But alas and wo begotten unto her for Drasdenofagus, who surely summoned such great will as he e’er did since the mighty Grazel the Grim who dismantled the hearts of men, yet Drasdenofagus did best him in moral combat! And, asfornow, he once more had the courageous strength of head and shoulders above the rest of us and restore this womanly creature out of the evil grasp of that which had claimed her so.