Putting the world one foot at a time and such was on such companion which was introduced to me approximately at the time which evil befall us, a’fore we smote it roundabout. Amongst such braverado companions was one Drasdenofagus and forever intertwined our fates became when once his life was threatened by the Grazzerfronz a beast to large to see his five arms yet to small to be construed as a dangerous beast of epic proportions, much less an evil overlord of Death and Doom. And becoming of Powers I controlled I did and do have saved his head from certain and utter destruction upon countless days.
But as past times have gone and now towards the future we would look discerning not, yet understanding less. As we approached the Walled Gate and wondered upon how we could surmount such great heights without hitherto have built a ladder of great magnitude. No, alas we cried woe and spoke a curse uponx the builders of the walls thereof and to our immediate surprise and delight there did soon appear the apparitions of them whom we had cursed! Their unearthly appearance was a grim reminder of the wicked dreadlord Kazelf the Presumptuous who presumed to have obtained singular control o’er the forces of death and undeath but to which I proved him otherwisely wrong in the foremost thoughts of his mind.
Yet this creature before us was mightly weaker than said dreadlord and though ghastly would not betray us with his grim demeanor. He spoke, but not as to the tongues of this earth, thusly I did interpret it thereof to be more or less along the lines of a abysmal riddle from beyond the grave….
Fourty two and six more days till the ship doth pass aways,
Fourty two and six more years, that is when the Quagzor rears,
Fourty two and six more days, this’n’that is what shall stays,
Fourty-two and not one more hour, then ne’er again enter the tower.
Forsooth, his ethereal for did vanish into the midst of the night and we were left with misty eyed wonder.
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