Tuesday, May 19, 2015

To See Myself Reflected - 2nd

When counting all the ways to achieve one possible outcome one does not often think to include the reverse strategical paradox of unencumbering oneself from the burdens of an infinite universe. Ergo, out of respect for those with more advanced knowledge of post didactic cyber-literature you may skip ahead a few hours and catch right up.

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

To See Myself Reflected - Introduction

Trinidad. Tiny toboggan. A hill steeping swiftly downward crestfalling, faceforward, dodge-dashing. No rock can tumble to far from our course.

Once a burning incense, now a stream set drifting o’er to meet us by the way. Bring the bobcat, set the lion in its cage. Swing shut the gate. How graceful thy dance O’ everlonging. Take my breath away.